Purchase via Amazon – Victory at Midway
$35 softcover (7 x 10)
Ca. 30 photos, appendices, notes, bibliography, index
ISBN 978-1-4766-7071-3
Ebook ISBN 978-1-4766-2995-7 2017
In the five months after Pearl Harbor, the Imperial Japanese
Navy won a string of victories in a campaign to consolidate control
of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. In June 1942, Japan suffered a devastating defeat at the Battle of Midway and was never again able to take the offensive in the Pacific. Bringing fresh perspective to the battle and its consequences, the author identifies the Japanese operational plan as major factor in the Navy’s demise and describes the profound effects Midway had on the course of the war in Europe.
Retired physician James M. D’Angelo founded of the International Midway Memorial Foundation in 1992 for the purpose of preserving the memory of the Battle of Midway. He has written articles on Midway in Wings of Gold, a publication of the Association of Naval Aviation, the newsletter of the Naval Order of the United States and is also editor of the quarterly newsletter of the International Midway Memorial Foundation. He lives in Bradenton, Florida.

Purchase via Amazon – Pearl Harbor Declassified
Pearl Harbor Declassified: The Evidence of American
Foreknowledge of the Attack
Did President Roosevelt and other high-ranking U.S. government officials know about Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, and fail to warn U.S. Navy leadership? Drawing on recently declassified materials and revelations from other writers, this book traces the flow of intelligence and concludes the imminent attack was allowed to happen to win the support of the American public in a war against Japan. An epilogue describes the fate of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the intelligence he received from Washington before the attack, and the intelligence he did not.