IMMF Consult Letter

August 11, 2015
Mr. Daniel W. Clark
Refuge Manager Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
Battle of Midway National Memorial
1082 Makepono Street
Honolulu, HI 96819

Dear Mr. Clark:
This letter is being written to respond to your request for the International Midway Memorial Foundation (IMMF) to consult on the proposed American Battle Monuments Commission’s (ABMC) memorial to the Battle of Midway.
This is the first request by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the IMMF to consult on the historic aspects of Midway. The Foundation appreciates your interest in our judgment. However, on August 6, 2015, after having received from you the name of the contact at the ABMC, I learned that the project had already been completed and is scheduled for delivery this week on Midway. We are pleased to report that finished design and inscription meets our approval. . I do hope that any other projects that are referred to us are requested before the project is completed.

Thank you.
James M. D’Angelo, M.D.
Chairman and Founder

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