Welcome to the Unofficial Midway Island Airport Information webpage, your gateway to a unique and historic destination. From the remnants of its significant role in World War II to its vibrant wildlife and pristine landscapes. Aircraft Publication Charts display The Midway Island Airport as being ‘Open to the Public’, however this is not true. The Midway Island Airport is only open to chartered flights by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and to Transpacific aircraft that first declare an emergency.
Airport Manager
94-155 Leo’ole Street Suite B204
Waipahu, HI 96797
Phone – 808 954 4829
Airport Manager Backup contact satellite phone – 011-8816-327-20578
USFWS Refuge Manager – satellite phone – 011-8816-327-33725
Emergency Pager 24-hrs – (480) 768–2500 – ID 881631492770
Email – Unknown
Henderson Field PMDY Airport Info
Unicom: 126.2
Identifier: PMDY
FAA Identifier: PMDY
Lat: 28-12-13.2170N
Long: 177-22-46.2690W
Elevation: 13 ft. / 4 m
WX AWOS-3: 118.325
(808-674-8237) ADVSY: 126.2 257.8
EMERGENCY: 121.5 / 243.0
AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended 1900–0400Z. Use freq 126.2 for all inbound and outbound communications. Arpt clsd to all tran acft. Arpt open for ETOPS and approved acft ops only. Approved acft opns permitted only during hrs of darkness Nov–Jun due to heavy bird activity. PPR for ldg for approved acft opns from arpt manager 24 hrs in advance due to heavy bird activity call 808–954-4829. Be alert for heavy bird strike hazards at all times. Current bird activity status avbl during initial ctc inbound and prior to tkf and ldg on freq 126.2. Except when necessary for tkf and lndg, all acft maintain minimum alt of 5,000 MSL within 12 miles of arpt. Arpt pri ctc (808) 674–1237. Backup contact sat phone Arpt Manager 011-8816-327-20578, USFWS Refuge Manager 011-8816-327-33725, DBSI Manager 001-8816-327-33825. Emergency pager 24 hrs (480) 768–2500 ID 881631492770. Landing fee.
Ownership: Publicly-owned
Airport Operations
Airport use: Open to the public
Activation date: 12/1946
Control tower: no
NOTAMs facility: MDY (NOTAM-D service available)
Attendance: 0800-1700
Wind indicator: lighted
Segmented circle: no
Lights: ACTVT REIL RWY 06 & 24; PAPI RWY 06 & 24; MIRL RWY 06/24 – 126.2.
Beacon: white-green (lighted land airport)
Operates sunset to sunrise.
Landing fee: yes
Fire and rescue: ARFF index A
Runway 6/24
Dimensions: 7800 x 150 ft. / 2377 x 46 m
Surface: asphalt, in fair condition
Weight bearing capacity:
PCN 56 /F/A/W/U
Single wheel: 120.0
Double wheel: 230.0
Double tandem: 430.0
Runway edge lights: medium intensity
Latitude: 28-11.854438N 28-12.323558N
Longitude: 177-23.554997W 177-22.202022W
Elevation: 12.0 ft. 6.3 ft.
Traffic pattern: left left
Runway heading: 059 magnetic, 069 true 239 magnetic, 249 true
Declared distances: TORA:7800 TODA:7800 ASDA:7800 LDA:7800 TORA:7800 TODA:7800 ASDA:7400 LDA:7400
Markings: nonprecision, in good condition nonprecision, in good condition
Visual slope indicator: 4-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path) 4-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path)
Runway end identifier lights: yes yes
Touchdown point: yes, no lights yes, no lights
NOAA Automated Weather Reporting
Midway Weather Info
Henderson Field – Wikipedia Info
Was stationed there early 77 to mid 78 or so. Was doing duty there as an OT listening for Soviet subs. Beautiful beaches tons of birds and just had a great time hanging on the beach swimming and snorkeling during off hours. Have a few fish balls and a few other things as mementos for time there.
Would definitely go back to visit if it was allowed.
I grew up hearing stories about my folks’ time on Midway. Dad was stationed there some time between 1945 and 1960 (after WWII and before I was born). I can still hear her alternately slapping her thighs loudly and saying “If you heard THIS you MOVED OVER because a Gooney bird was trying to take off.” I am extremely saddened that this place was left to ruination instead of restoration, and PRESERVED. I am having a hard time finding info about Midway that is not dominated by the WFS. THEIR website just says to try virtual tour, which is VERY hard to get to on their website, and just turns out to be Google Maps…you have that here!
I was fortunate enough to visit this treasure twice back in the mid 80s on the sea going buoy tender CGC Sassafrass WLB 401. After servicing the aids to navigation we would sail on to Kure Island to refuel the LORAN station. The second time myself and a few shipmates stayed on Midway for a week or so to tear down the old range light structures in the harbor and assemble the new ones. I understand the structures are still the same today….Proud of that!!!! Such a beautiful place!!!
I will never EVER forget Midway!!!!!!
I was stationed on Midway from Jan. 5th 1978 – Jan. 4th 1979. Assigned to the Special Services Division. Enjoyed everything about Midway Island.An expierience i will always remember.
I was there from Jan., 1967-July, 1967 with the Air Force. I was in the Military Airlift Command so we had all cargo planes. Our main plane to service was the C-130s that were going back and forth from Viet Nam. The island was quite different then. There was no civilian autos, only military. We were all issued bicycles to get around on. There were no women and no civilians there at that time.
It was quite beautiful and quiet. I will never forget my time there.
I hope you’re doing well. My Father flew on the 130s in Vietnam he was a medic he passed away in 2007 from agent orange from those planes
I was born on Midway in July 1960. It has always been my dream to visit there.
pretty cool to be one of the few people born there. I lived there in 76 through 78 and were some of the last of the dependents to stay on the island while my father was stationed there. I love Midway Island and will never forget it’s beauty.
Hi! Does any one have memories of what the island was like during Vietnam war? My husband was stationed there was a “weather guesser” during the 70’s. Does anyone know what kind of planes landed on the Island during that time. Sorry I don’t have memories of such an amazing place trying to help my husband remember that time—he struggles with memory loss from medical issues caused by time on Midway.
Hi Laura, my father was a Senior Chief in the weather station on Midway from approximately August of 1967 to April of 1970. My 2 older brothers an I all attended George Cannon School and my oldest brother graduated from HS there with 6 others. Fond memories … Bob Hope stopped by to give the Island residents a show on his way to entertain the troops in Vietnam. Anne Margaret, Rosy Greer are the 2 celebrity names that stick out. Sock hops at the base gym, President Thieu (South Vietnam) and Richard Nixon had a summit on the Island. One activity was to walk the beaches and collect “fish balls” that broke away from fishing vessels and washed up on shore. I could go on forever.
I was told it had been once owned by lady bird Johnson, I was there in 1970-72 I remember the landing was so scary I never left the island till going back to mainland for good
I would love to return to this beautiful place. I was there in 91 and 92. It made an impact on my life and i tell all that will listen to the beauty of this place. I have spent the past 20 years in airfield maintiance and operations. I would love to spend a couple or a few years there working. I helped clean the shores before and would do so again. I would like to know how to apply for employment on the island. Also photographing and documenting life there.
Most beautiful and historic spot on earth. I served there for 16 months during the mid-late 60s. Tragic what Clinton administration allowed to happen once Fish and Wildlife came in. Heartbreaking to those of us who were there once upon a time.
I lived there in the mid/late fifties. My Dad was stationed there. I was just a small child, but I remember the nest on the ground, the bicycles. Oh to go and visit. Perhaps someday
Karen…..do you remember Jim and Cynthia (Cindy) Rubin….we were there from 1956 to 1959.
I was there 1959, 2nd grade. We have 8mm movies from that time period. My ship returned in 1972 to resupply heading east back to Mayport
Fl. 3rd generation USN.
I was born on Midway Island on January 30, 1958. I was the first occupant of the incubator in the base infirmary (didn’t need it, but the infirmary staff wanted to try it out anyway). I still have pictures my Mom and Dad took of me as an infant playing near the goony birds. We would have left Midway at the beginning of 1959, as my brother was born Stateside (at a Naval base in CA) in March of that year. My Mom taught in the Naval dependents school on Midway (probably all of the 1956-57 school year, the first half of the 1957-58 school year, and the first half of the 1958-59 school year), and I’ve seen curriculum syllabus books she had for 3rd & 4th grades (I think; it’s been a while). Good to see I’m not the only “goony bird kid” here!
Scrolling through the names of all who attended George C. Cannon sure brought back a lot of great memories. I remember so many of my childhood friends and wonder how they are doing today.
Cannon AFB was named after George C. Cannon, I know I was there…
My Son, my Father & Myself are very interested in visiting the Island I was born to and that our family was stationed. Any travel information or tips to visit would greatly be appreciated. Thank You Very Much,
1966-1969 visited many times. I would love to see it again. When we would fly in the NAS would tell the weather but more important was the bird activity.
I m a DAV Service Officer helping a vet who was stationed Midway Island most of 1966.
I would like to communicate with you.
Hi, I’m actively doing research of Midway Island, not sure if the info I’ve found so far would be helpful, but happy to share. My husband was stationed there during the early 70’s.
I worked in the crews barber shop and went to officer’s barber shop for awhile was the almost the whole year of 1966
It made me very sad to watch the recommended video. Midway Island – Battle lost to U.S. Fish and Wildlife service. What a waste. If given the opportunity, I would live on Midway and work everyday to preserve the history and memories of the fallen heroes of WWll.
I would enjoy being there to help you out…I agree..
I would like to visit the island in November. My father was the officer in charge of the Seabee unit that redid the airstrips.