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little island BIG HISTORY

11/20/2014 Congressman Fleming, USFWS Oversight Committee Chairman – “The FWS has a failing grade for achieving public visitation to Midway and for allowing Midway’s historic structures to deteriorate. It was a mistake to make Midway Islands a Wildlife Refuge.” He went on to say that the USFWS has no interest, expertise or desire in the National Memorial.

90 thoughts on “Home

  1. I the same issues when trying to get my passport in 2000. I was born on midway in 1960, my dad was stationed there and mom worked in the commissary.
    I spent a full 8 hour day at the passport office in Washington DC, had to provide copies of both parents birth certificates, marriage license and my dads death certificate simply because my birth certificate didn’t have a state seal on it. Even though it was signed by the base commander I believe. To top it off, I was charged an extra $100 due to special circumstances.

  2. How disappointing that the USFWS dropped the ball on their responsibilities…but in this day and age concerning our government, not surprising.

  3. I was stationed on Midway for 1year, 1979 to 1980 I worked at the power plant as an electrician in the Navy the very best duty in the world and every 3 months, three days off in Hawaii 😊

  4. Hi everyone, my family is planning a trip to Hawaii in December and my grandpa who was born on Midway in 1960 is really wanting to visit Midway. Is that a possibility and if so, how would we go about arranging that?

    1. Not only is it not possible, it is not probable any time in the next 50 years, thanks to Fish and Wildlife service who has made a wreck of the place. Most buildings to house visitors have been neglected to the point of being demolished or on slate to be demolished. In the meantime, search for all the photos you can find and enjoy those of times past. Sorry for having to share that but facts are facts…..

  5. I was stationed on Midway Island 1970-1971 while in the Navy. Assigned to Air Ops Crash Rescue/ Fire Dept. It was a great duty station. Lots of good memories.

  6. I was born on Midway in 1973. I recently tried to get a passport, but was denied. I was told my birth certificate is not proof of citizenship. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so how did you get it fixed?

    1. Michael, last year I received a thoughtful email from Tina Ricketson , who mentioned she was born on Midway and was now trying to get a passport. She had seen I had earlier mentioned my daughter was born on Midway in 1968 and wanted to alert her to the issue. (Fortunately for my daughter, she married a Navy officer and was sent to Japan in 1990, so the Navy had done whatever was necessary to get her a passport.) Tina, though, just gave me permission to give you her email address so you can reach out to her.

      1. Michael, I just actually posted Tina’s email address in my post, but it was deleted by the software when the post was published. Please call me at 303-913-2959, and I will give you Tina’s email address.

    2. I had the same problem. Born there in 1969. I had to give both parents birth certificates and their marriage license.

    3. I was also born on Midway Island in 1973. My father was stationed there. It was a disaster trying to get a passport. I was also told that my birth certificate was not proof of citizenship even though is said the “State of Hawaii”. I had to show proof that both of my parents were US citizens before I could finally get my passport. It took months, and I finally got it the day before I was leaving for vacation to France. It was so stressful and made no sense.

    4. I was born on Midway in 1949. 35 years ago when I applied for my PP in San Francisco I was told that besides the certified copy of my birth certificate, I needed a certified copy of both my mother and father’s birth certificate as well as a certified copy of their wedding license. I got my passport.

    5. That doesn’t sound right at all. Midway Island is the US, so why would you need a passport? That’s just wrong!

      1. Because of the insular cases….

        After the Spanish American War, the Supreme Court more or less invented a new rule that kept the ‘unincorporated territories’ under US legal control but deprived their residents of birthright citizenship.

  7. Is there anyone that was stationed on the island in the 60s remember my father David Schmidt? I’ve been deep diving for quite some time now (years) trying to find photos, stories, etc for him because he lost most of his stuff from his time serving there and it would be amazing to find stuff or even someone that remembers him.

    1. I Was in AEW as plane captain on check pool # 32 in ’63- ’64 and left in Feb of ’65. I don’t remember your dad, but I have some pictures. A lot of them are of my plane and Rooney birds.Have you seen this website? The first link is the home page, second is to crew pictures. If you want some of my pics let me know. https://www.willyvictor.com/index.php. To get to photos click on air crews, then on crew photos. https://www.willyvictor.com/index.php/air-crews/crew-photos

      1. My dad, Don Alvarez, was there when you were. He did flight line troubleshooting for the Midway super constellation WV2.

    2. I was the son of James J Evans (Bull Evans) maintenance Chief 1958-1960. I graduated as the only senior. Living on Midway today would be a Fantasy Island experience today. Between the two years in Hawaii @ Barbers Point, and two years @ Midway amazing time in my life. Anyone stationed there Hello!

    1. My husband was stationed there 1962 – 1963 . his name was Fred L Ruthven, he was an air traffic controller. I was there also our daughter she was 18 months when we arrived. I have movies where a baby goonie snapped at her. I loved the time we were there, Beautiful Island with the different species of birds and the most Beautiful white sand and blue water ever.

  8. I was a teacher (secondary Social Studies and Math) at George Cannon in SY 1970/1971, and was a wonderful experience. I am so sad now that Midway is going to rack and ruin. Midway was a busy place for me and I was always busy being active in the Chapel (Father Al and Chaplain Cummingham), taught for the U of Hawaii in the evening and I even was allowed to remain in the summer of 1971 to run the 6 week summer school. It was one of the best years of my life.

  9. Operated the Harbor Tower 1963-1965. Operated seismic water/wave equipment on Sand Island for the US Coast & Geodetic service. Informed Hawaii of the seiche water rise at my station in 1964. Learned to operate a 63 foot AVR (crash rescue boat) operating in the lagoon when a PBY would come in for landing in the lagoon and taxing around to the apron and hanger area. Newly married and living in navy housing, we learned to be husband and wife away from family influence for two years. Wonderful experience, wonderful times. I heard the harbor tower burned to the ground shortly after my departure in June 1965.

  10. I was on Midway as a CMHCN, Seabee mechanic, May 1963-May 1964. Worked 90 days in the galley and 9 months in Public Works transportation. Went back to Midway Feb.1975 to Feb. 1978 as CM1 and worked transportation maintenance. Wife Joyce and daughters Lori and Susan were there with me for those 3 years. We all enjoyed our time there. We lived at C-64, across the street from George Cannon school, the Chapel and the softball field, right on the corner. Played golf, snorkeled, and caught lots of wahoo, yellowfin and Mai-Mai. Ten cent beer and ten cent movie tickets. Wanted to stay longer but that didn’t work out. Retired as CMCS in Dec. 1987. after 25-1/2 years. The 4 years on Midway had to be the best years of my career.

  11. I was born on Midway, November 1960. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to go back, I’d love to but I know it likely won’t happen.

    1. They should allow exceptions for people that were born there. It should be a right to return to your place of birth.

    2. I was also born on Midway December 1963..my sister in March 1965…have always dreamed of visiting someday.

  12. Hello,

    Could you tell me how I might be able to apply for a copy of my birth certificate? I was born in Midway Island back in 1964.

    Thank you!

    1. Shirley, your birth certificate is recorded in Hawaii. My daughter was born on Midway in 1968, and her certificate states Midway Islands, State of Hawaii. So request your copy from the State of Hawaii.

    2. I was born in 1966 and have since found out that if your birth was registered in Hawaii, congratulations, you are no longer a US Citizen as of 1985 when some congressman decided that Midway Island Birth Certificates filed in Hawaii were no longer proof of citizenship. Good luck in getting your life back, I have been been trying for years and no one wants to help. If you have a passport, keep it up to date, it is your only chance.

  13. I spent 3.5 years on Midway from 57 to 61 or so. flying the barrier . i maintained the radar equipment on them. Wonderful memories and the best friends you ever could have. Truly miss them all. Would love to go back and visit but couldn’t afford it.. I still get a thrill watching these videos and hearing that willy victor take off and a wonderful realize as it returns and is safe on the ground.

  14. All of us have fond memories of being on Midway, either as a dependant like myself, or an active duty personel. My father was the admin officer from 64-65. I was 12 years old and honestly, Midway is one of the best memories of my childhood. I think I ended up collecting around 80 – 90 fishballs, 3 Russian and 1 Korean. I lettered in football at George Canon. (We played 1 game and the winners got the letter). I got a red Schwin Stingray bike for Christmas and rode that horse all over the island. I speared longusta and snagged a ride on a sea turtle. I watched a shark being shot from a helicopter over the O beach. My 7th grade class toured a Japanese submarine. I camped on Eastern with other Boy Scouts and watched Frigate birds fly around with the males big red pouch. I collected Bosun bird feathers. My Hawaiian friend and I did some mischief. We broke into a supply shack by the harbor and found machine gun bullets. We pulled the bullets off the casing and collected the gun powder to make rockets. I can still smell the creosote as I walked by the fuel pier. My younger brother and I quickly learned you never drink water out of the brackish water tap. Our first week on the island we went deep sea fishing and I caught a 65 lb Wahoo. I jumped into blue water on north point to get a 5″ fishball before an MP could snag it first. (He helped me get back up from the slimy sea wall. Dumb kid move). I was stung 2 or 3 times by Portugues Man-O-War. I got coral poisoning and the worst sunburn I ever had. I watched armed guards march along what looked like Army recruits going over to north harbor for a beer blowout. I saw numerous Huey helicoptors lined up for transport to Vietnam. My brother and I always looked forward to watching “The Andy Griffith Show”, the only TV show we ever saw on Midway. I saw Frank Sinatra Jr perform at the movie theatre. I learned how to get free cokes out of the bowling alley coke machine by running my hand across the button real fast. The memories of those 18 months give me great pleasure. I was the perfect age to enjoy what Midway was back then. I am deeply saddened by what the FWs has done to Midway. I believe it is criminal.

  15. How sad to see such a wonderful island so rich in history being systematically destroyed. Those beautiful old Cable buildings, the water tower, the old church. I fully appreciate the cost of restoring and maintaining these artifacts is extreme, but the effort needs to be made.
    I’m not an American, in fact I live on the southern tip of Africa, so have no close ties with these islands at all. But the bottom line is that once these structures have been destroyed – that’s it. They’re gone forever. You can’t bring them back.
    Life during the 60’s to 80’s must have been absolutely fantastic on Sand Island. Oh how I yearn to have an ice cold beer in Captain Brook’s pub!
    Beautiful island – at least the web site captures the place as it was in it’s hey-day. Thanks you for that.

  16. I spent time with Glen Muzingo on Midway Island in 1974-1975. We took care of the electronics at the radio station.

    1. Doug Neff worked for me at KMTH radio and TV (1974-1975). Loved the island and the people that served with me. A experience that I will never forget .

  17. My father was stationed on Midway during WWII, in 1945, while in the Marine Air Corps. I have many photos and 4 copies of the Midway Mirror: Friday 4.13.1945 Headline – the death of FDR; Tues. 5.08.1945 Headline – The Nazis Give Up; Wed. 8.15.1945 Headline – Truman Tells of Jap Surrender; and Tues. 8.21.1945 re: Expect Surrender in 10 Days; McArthur expected to sign in Tokyo.
    I have scanned them and can share with any historian who might be interested.

    1. Our family was stationed on Midway Island from 1958-1960. Some of the most wonderful memories of my early lifetime. I was graduated from George Cannon School in 1960. It was such a contrast with the times that we are presently experiencing these days. Now we have grandchildren four to be exact. We know that the ministry has given to us is to share blessings that we have received from our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. I never imagined of being able to correspond with others that have connections to this little sand bar in the middle of the vast Pacific ocean. My wife and I have been Missionary-Evangelists for the past 30 years, and would like to share our latest video album called: THE ROYAL FAMILY OF GOD https://youtu.be/TqBrqUZ5oa0 SHALOM AND PEACE LEE

      1. Hello Lee. My brother Dan and I were on Midway in 1960 and remember a LeeRoy Evans who graduated as a senior from George Cannon School. LeeRoy was the only senior in the school. His girl friends name was Sherry. If you are the same person, I went to the senior ball that year and took Sherry’s younger sister Vicky. The theme was “A Summer Place”, after the movie and song that was big that year.

        If you are the Evans I remember, it’s good to know you’re alive, and are contributing in such a positive way in helping others.

    2. Patti could you please seen copies of the 4 Midway Mirror papers. I’ve started an archive of Midway Island publications / 1936-1978 & current paper/newsletters.

      contact me @ 402-708-0109 or via messenger

  18. I was on Midway Feb.69 until Feb. 70. I served on the YG 31 and the YTM 412. didn’t realize what duty was until I left.

  19. Hi Mike,
    I’ve been looking back through all the photos you have posted and so many are AFTER I was there. It’s sad how Fish & Wildlife has trashed the island. I arrived in January of 64 and was assigned as a guard on the AUW compound. When the contents of that facility were shipped out during the early Vietnam years I transferred to KMTH Radio. I was there for the scare of the Alaska Earthquake and the tidal wave that scared the shorts off lots of us. I was just a kid and knew not what to do… so I just prayed and thankfully all that energy went around the island instead of over it! I so miss those Ironwood Trees and the cool breezes that blew through them. And the beaches… I have been to Guam, Diego Garcia, and Oahu and I still like the Enlisted Beach on Midway best of all! It would be SO awesome to get to go back for a visit someday.
    My story of my years on Midway can be found at: http://midway.daveylee.com

  20. I really miss serving on Midway Island, I was there when they opened the new kitchen, I served from 1980 – 1981 as a cook, I was on the egg grill almost everyday cooking eggs to order. Still remember the Captain’s sunny side up. I used to ride my bike all over the Island and going to the old cemetery and checking out the headstones. Had a great time and miss all my friends.

  21. Hi Mike Daak. I love the site and visit it often. I have submitted my name and info three times to be included in the former residents of Midway and still have not seen my name added to the list. Is anyone actively monitoring this site? Also, how do you add a story to the site? When I go to the story portion of this website there is no way to add a story.
    Are there any former cooks or chef’s out there? I always wondered about the fried chicken we were served in the mess hall. Those were some of the biggest chicken legs I have ever seen. The rumor was that we were being fed gooney birds and they were calling it fried chicken. It also seemed that we had fried chicken after all of the fresh food stores had been used up and we were back to powdered eggs and powdered milk. Just saying,

    1. Mike, Sorry to hear about your health issues. Not to worry, your health is more important than getting my name on the list. Take care and recover quickly

      Donald Smith

    2. Hi Mike, I wrote you in November of last year about getting my name added to the residence list. Are you still planning on updating that list, or has it become a non-issue?

      Just thought I would ask and see how the process is going. I would be glad to help if I knew how.

      Donald Smith

  22. I was stationed on Midway from August 1962 to July 1963 with AEWBARRONPAC. Was part of the ramp service crew, drove the fuel truck and fueled the planes flying the barrier between Midway and Adak, Alaska. Did a couple of ride along flights and remember the crews always had steak for dinner. Boring trip, but good duty. Thoroughly enjoyed being on the island and would love to go back for a visit. The golf driving range had a beer vending machine (25 cents a can) and 10 cent beer at the EM Club during happy hour. The Navy Exchange had vinyl records for $2.00 each and I stocked up on those. When I left midway I spent one month in the Air Force barrack at Hickam Field waiting for a flight back to the states. Had a great time touring Honolulu while waiting for a plane.

    1. I spent 3.5 years on Midway from 57 to 61 or so. flying the barrier . i maintained the radar equipment on them. Wonderful memories and the best friends you ever could have. Truly miss them all. Would love to go back and visit but couldn’t afford it.. I still get a thrill watching these videos and hearing that willy victor take off and a wonderful realize as it returns and is safe on the ground.

    1. Did you know my grandfather Maurice Hopper? He was in the accident January 22, 1961 at Midway. He survived the crash.

  23. Hi everyone my Dad (David Fischer)was commanding officer in the mid 1970s and I spent 3 years there with him and my mom. Went to George Cannon and still remember the Halloween parade. What an incredible place. Hate to hear that it isn’t being taken care of and hope to bring my family there one day.

    1. Hi Steve, I was a Crash Crew MB-5 Crash Vehicle driver in 73-74. Did your dad relieve Capt. Roger N. Kersch? His son Dave and I were best friends. We both worked for M. Dyer and Sons moving a storage on my off days from the FD. M.Dyer and son moved all families to and from Midway.
      Glen Sakahara was the Mgr. of the moving company on Midway.

      I Loved Midway.


  24. I was stationed FFT on Midway from march – August 1967 working in Special Services building a softball field then working in the food galley. I was also back in later years on Ready Alert in VP-19 for flights Ops. Last time there was in 1974. I would love to revisit somehow.

  25. Hi gang; my uncle was on island during the battle. Underground. The bunker he was in took a direct hit. He said the shock wave blew out all lights. I spent many dets there in the 70’s with VP-4. Will hopefully get back.

  26. Stationed on Midway’s Eastern Island from July 19, 1957 – July 24, 1958. Returned in 2000 with a group for a reunion of sorts, was able to get a boat back to Eastern twice and how many memories came flooding back! The galley, old movie hall, old chow hall, quonsets scattered on the west side of the island, picking up fishballs almost every day of the year, the ops building, berms, underground spaces of which only a few of us know now where they are and we ain’t tellin’!! We played basketball in the hangar where planes were worked on, we had a gym and stored electronic parts in the old reefer building. Got to walk down the runways we used to ‘try out’ the jeep now and then! We burned leftover aviation fuel so a 4 cyinder low compression engine didn’t last long with such high octane fuel! But we had a great time and how badly I want to go back one more time while I can! What a thrill that would be, but I fear until Fish and Wildlife get tossed off the island, we’ll never get to go back again. they have demolished so many structures…Fuel farm, water tower, movie hall is in bad shape as is the galley, slated for destruction. BOQ-B slated for demolition because it has been allowed to rot away. So sad. What a wonderful place but just gone to ruin!

    1. Hi Welford, my name is Mark Gordon and I was a CT3 on Eastern from April ’63 to April ’64. I was there when the Alaska earthquake hit in April, ’64; we were watching a movie when the OD turned on the lights and said there was an earthquake in Alaska and we’re expecting a 12 foot tidal wave. The highest point on our island (Eastern) was 7 feet…. Unfortunately I had the midwatch so while everyone else took the boat back to the main island (Sand), we spent the night on top of the shack listening to the radio from Hawaii — water 6 blocks inland on Hono, etc. Fortunately, the wave went around the island instead of toppling on, but the water did rise about 5 feet. It was a very interesting time!
      Have you checked out the U. S. Naval Cryptologic Veterans Assocation? The website is usncva.org and it’s a very interesting organization!
      Thanks for your service!

    1. didn’t know your dad. Mrs Osterberg (sp) was my 9 th grade teacher and Mr. Hoag was our coach. 9th grade and one of my most memorable time as a teen (14) My brother and I were also members of the Coral Kings and snorkeled a lot at the 5 mile reef.

  27. I am the historian of AOSHS, American Overseas Schools Historical Society(www.aoshs.org) and we are seeking students and teachers who were at the George Cannon Schools on Midway. We are trying to find people who are willing to share their memories of life on the island and school life. If you would be willing to share your stories, please contact me at simplydunn@comcast.net

    Thanks so much. We don’t want to lose your experiences.

  28. Spent two years on Midway, 2nd and 3rd grade. Best years, playing KIck ball at George Cannon School, watching softball games, and movies at the CPO Club on Saturdays. .And the great swimming.

    1. Thank you & same to you.
      I am suppose to be the last baby born, as far as, the military is concerned, in the half century. It was already 1950 everywhere else but still ‘49 on midway.

  29. I am 60 years old and retired.
    would love to know if i could volunteer to help clean up plastic problem on beaches of Midway for a week or two whenever help may be needed.

  30. At the young age of 18 I spent 9 months on Midway in the U.S. Navy Aviation. 1958 and it was a great place to visit.

  31. Does anyone recall if Midway Island had license plates on the vehicles there? I know there were plates on bicycles I have seen in photos. I’m trying to complete a worldwide collection of past and present countries, I have over 240 different countries and there are approximately 325 in total. If anyone could be of help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Martine – pl8sRus@yahoo.ca

  32. I was stationed on Midway Island Sept 1963-64, I think the govt should erect a memorial wall for those who paid the ultimate price fighting the Midway battle.

    1. Hi Linda, I was there, an OT3. Friends, Nancy, Mo. I dated RM3 Stu Anderson. Ring any bells? Darlus (Davis) Peters

      1. Hey I remember “Stuie”, I used to work with him at the NavFac. I was there from March of 79- April of 80. I was on Sherrie Alfieri’s watch. Remember Gardie LaMarche, Chief Cressy, and Tony Bland?

  33. I flew out of Midway in the late 50’s with the AEW Operations. The final treatment of the island made me sad and a bit disturbed. What a shame!

    1. My dad (Chief Donald Wahlstrom electronics) flew out of Midway and was a chief there around 59 -60. It was a great place to grow up (age 14)

  34. I was born on midway June 10 1969 how and where do I get my birth certificate been on this search for about and month can’t seem to find any info . please help

    1. Try the State Dept., dude . . I was born in Japan in 1956 to American parents, and the State Department issued me my birth certificate . . I have gotten a copy of it in the past few years from the Dept., man . .

    2. Hi Ralph,

      I to was born on Midway and need an official birth certificate.
      Can you post if and how you obtained yours?

      1. I was born on Midway in 1947. My birth certificate says I was born on Midway Island not Hawaii. In fact so did my passport until about 20 years ago when I renewed it and they changed my place of birth to Hawaii.

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